Muslims globally have been outraged by the insults against the Holy Prophet (S) - but should we be protesting? Shaykh Muzaffer Hyder, Shaykh Ali Qomi and Sayyid Shahryar discuss whether it is appropriate to be protesting, what the Leader’s opinion is on this matter and how it is... Show More >>Muslims globally have been outraged by the insults against the Holy Prophet (S) - but should we be protesting? Shaykh Muzaffer Hyder, Shaykh Ali Qomi and Sayyid Shahryar discuss whether it is appropriate to be protesting, what the Leader’s opinion is on this matter and how it is imperative that the Muslims remain UNITED for the cause of Islam and the Messenger of Allah (S). This is the second of a two-part discussion, the focus of which is Imam Khamenei’s speech on the auspicious occasion of the birth Anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S). The full speech is entitled: \\\\\\\"U.S. elections don’t affect Iran\\\\\\\'s policy toward the U.S.\\\\\\\" and can be found at
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